Enrichment Opportunities
The enrichment opportunities we offer provide learning opportunities for selected students to achieve their personal best. Teachers at St Martha’s provide differentiated teaching and learning programs to cater for gifted and talented students.
Math’s Competitions
The Math’s Games and Math’s Olympiad Competitions provide challenges for students who are gifted and/or talented in Mathematics. St Martha’s has teams competing in Math’s Games from Years 3–6, and a a selected group from Years 5 and 6 represents the school in the very challenging Math’s Olympiad Competition.
In between contests dates, students meet for a Creative Problem Solving class incorporating Math’s Olympiad problems. The students work collaboratively to solve problems and are challenged and extended in their mathematical ability appropriate to their ability level. Students are encouraged to adopt a variety of strategies in their problem solving.
Chess Club
Chess Club is offered to students in Years K–6 with Australian Chess Academy instructors. Parents organise their child’s involvement and are required to pay for this program separately.